Thursday, May 03, 2007

Karl's Fetish, Revisited

McClatchy (05.02.07):
"Accusations about voter fraud seemed to fly from every direction in Missouri before last fall's elections. State and national Republicans leaders fretted that dead people might vote or that some live people might vote more than once.

The threat to the integrity of the election was seen as so grave that Bradley Schlozman, the acting chief of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division and later the U.S. attorney in Kansas City, twice wielded the power of the federal government to try to protect the balloting. The Republican-controlled Missouri General Assembly also stepped into action."

2006 Missouri's election was ground zero for GOP

And what did they find? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

"Now, six months after freshman Missouri Sen. Jim Talent's defeat handed Democrats control of the U.S. Senate, disclosures in the wake of the firings of eight U.S. attorneys show that that Republican campaign to protect the balloting was not as it appeared. No significant voter fraud was ever proved."

The GOP down there is still pissed off about John Ashcroft losing to a dead guy back in 2000. Senator Christopher Bond (R - MO) "charged that votes by dogs and dead people had defeated Ashcroft", and that the whole thing was part of a "'a criminal enterprise'".

Believe it or not, no credible evidence of this ever surfaced. Imagine that.



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