Tuesday, July 26, 2005

How About Diet Supplements?

Arnold knows what's best for you. AP (07.26.05):
"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is promoting legislation that would encourage healthier food and drinks in schools, including a bill that would extend a statewide ban on soft drinks from lower grades to high schools. Bob Achermann, a lobbyist for the California-Nevada Soft Drink Association, said his group would fight against expanding the soft drink ban to high schools. He argued it would not keep sodas out of teenagers' hands.' Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger Urges Passage of Bills Targeting Junk Food in Schools
Bob noted that the kids "'can bring them to school, they can get them after school.'" He also noted that "'(t)hey're high school students, they're almost adults.'" And as almost-adults, they should have the right to make as many stupid and ill-advised decisions on their own as they want. Remember now Arnold "vetoed legislation that would have imposed government regulations on the supplement industry." Arnold also recently "accepted a consulting job paying an estimated $8 million over five years" for a publication deriving much of its advertising revenue "from makers of nutritional supplements." We hesitate to suggest he may be teaching the kids a lot more about government than about nutrition, but we will anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This could be bad for the healthcare industry. Why I just heard an E.R. Dr. remark "If it wasn't for stupid decisions, we’d be out of business".

12:38 PM  

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