Friday, July 29, 2005

On Second Thought

Get out the jelly 'cause he's toast now. Reuters (07.28.05):
"The State Department reversed itself on Thursday night and acknowledged that President Bush's U.N. ambassador nominee gave Congress inaccurate information about an investigation he was involved in. The acknowledgment came after the State Department had earlier insisted nominee John Bolton's 'answer was truthful' when he said he had not been questioned or provided information to jury or government investigations in the past five years." State Dept admits Bolton gave inaccurate answers
"'When Mr. Bolton completed his form during the Senate confirmation process he did not recall being interviewed by the State Department inspector general. Therefore his form as submitted was inaccurate in this regard and he will correct the form,' State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said." Couldn't recall? OK. If you say so. Though you have to wonder how many times he's been "questioned or provided information to jury or government investigations" to have forgotten one. Won't make much difference though. Knight-Ridder (07.28.05):
"President Bush is expected to sidestep Congress and appoint John Bolton, his controversial choice for United Nations ambassador, to the job temporarily because opponents have blocked his confirmation by the Senate, several lawmakers and influential conservatives said Thursday." Bush poised to install Bolton at U.N. through recess appointment


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