Sunday, July 31, 2005

Yum, Yum

How would they know it tastes like licorice? AP (07.30.05):
"Two spacewalking astronauts armed with caulking guns, putty knives and foam brushes practiced fixing deliberately damaged shuttle heat shields Saturday, as NASA extended what could be its last trip to the space station for a long while." Spacewalking Astronauts Practice Repairs
"Astronauts Soichi Noguchi and Stephen Robinson worked on samples of thermal tile and panels that were cracked and gouged before flight. They squeezed dark goo into the crevices as the sticky material got on their gloves and clumped at the ends of their putty knives. Spacewalk managers had feared a much bigger mess, though, and were pleased with the relative neatness of it all. "'It's about like pizza dough, like licorice-flavored pizza dough,' Robinson said as the near-black filler material oozed from his high-tech caulking gun. He used a putty knife to smooth down the substance, again and again." Sounds like when we do the tub.


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