Sunday, August 27, 2006

Flash: Women Have Breasts

They wind 'em tight in Poland, too. Reuters (08.25.06), via Huffington:
"A white scarf was discretely added over an artist's depiction of a mermaid with an exposed breast on a poster advertising the 2006 Miss World contest, after officials in Warsaw's conservative administration deemed it too suggestive, the artist's agent said Wednesday. "[The] poster originally showed a mermaid on a seesaw, the strap from her red top slipping over her shoulder to reveal one of her breasts." Warsaw demands censorship of Miss World poster
The mermaid (breasts and all) is the city's coat of arms. Has been since 1622. There are statues of her everywhere. On the other hand, "Warsaw's acting mayor is former Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz, whose Law and Justice party espouses conservative moral values such as no sex outside marriage and strict controls on abortion." And that pretty much explains it.
Kazimierz "No Titties" Marcinkiewicz
Dunno about you, but to us, Kaz looks a little bound up.


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