Friday, June 08, 2007

Getting Borked

Who's ox is being gored these days, eh? Big Bob back then, via the Constitution Society (04.10.02):
"The present tort system poses dangers to interstate commerce not unlike those faced under the Articles of Confederation. Even if Congress would not, in 1789, have had the power to displace state tort law, the nature of the problem has changed so dramatically as to bring the problem within the scope of the power granted to Congress.

Accordingly, proposals, such as placing limits or caps on punitive damages, or eliminating joint or strict liability, which may once have been clearly understood as beyond Congress's power, may now be constitutionally appropriate."

Boundaries of the Commerce Clause

Big Bob now. AP (06.07.07), via the ACSBlog:
"One-time U.S. Supreme Court nominee Robert H. Bork sued the Yale Club of New York City on Thursday, saying injuries he suffered at an event there have plagued him for a year.

The lawsuit seeks more than $1 million in damages and accuses the club of 'wanton, willful and reckless disregard for the safety of its guests.'"

Ex-Supreme Court Nominee Files Lawsuit



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